Job Hunt: Day 7.
2004-09-15 : 10:59 p.m.

First interviews are always a hassle. You never really know quite what to say unless you've had several of them before. Yesterday was my second, first interview, at Red Lobster. This time the outcome was a little bit better than the one I had at The Buckle. Quite a bit better actually. How much better you ask? Well, I wasn't offered a job right off the bat, but I did get asked back for a second interview, this time with the Head Manager (I guess one of the "lesser" managers interviewed me first).

Not that a second interview necessarily guarantees the job, but they are very promising. I was told that not only a dishwashing job was open (hooray-hooray), but a production job as well. Now, I'm assuming that means I'll be cooking food as well. This is good. With my better than average Spanish speaking abilities I'm sure the rest of the cooks and myself will get along great.

Tomorrow I'll definitely make an effort to call around and ask about some more of the applications. Retail is still my number one choice but I'll most definitely take what I can get. The funny thing is I haven't even thought about talking to any band directors about helping out with their marching band. That's ok though, I don't think anyone would be interested in someone with only four years of high school experience, and three years of DCI experience...yeah.

Switching gears for a second (or however long it takes for you to read the rest of this entry), who would like to go to Las Vegas for Spring Break? No, seriously. As many of you know my 21st birthday is coming up in January. And as many of you also know, I enjoy playing poker quite a bit. Yes I'll have to admit since last year I've been one of "those people" who have become not only obsessed with playing, but also watching the game on TV. I can't seem to get enough of it online either. Since starting out with $1000 I managed to dig my way down to $429, only to find myself now sitting atop a $61,000 mountain.

Yes, of course I know I don't have to go to Las Vegas to gamble. But it's Las-Fucking-Vegas. I've only been there once when I was a kid, and I remember being frustrated about not being able to put any quarters into a machine with the hopes of getting more. I do remember spending lots and lots of quarters playing arcade games in the bottom of The Luxor though, that ruled.

So, back to it. Anyone else interested? This is a little bit less grandiose than the plans I had for Spring Break 2004, so I'm actually a little more serious about this one. Or we could still go to Australia, whatever.

And just so you all know, the new Windows Media Player is hideous, and you can't find anything on it. Also, the new version of AIM is even worse than its predecessor. The windows are bigger and uglier, they moved the damn Buddy Info button again, and they had the audacity to mess with my Internet Explorer by putting some shitty search bar on there. Bastiges...

I'm going to go read now. If you have any idea as to what I should wear to interview number 2.2 (a blue button-up shirt and khakis were worn to the first) please be so kind as to share your opinion, thanks.

MUSIC: Imbroco - Calm Your Fears