Spring Break Australia 2004! (?)
2003-02-24 : 11:55 p.m.

I was informed of some astonishing news this evening. My fellow Glassmen Brethren Heineken Steve made it known to me that where he lives a record one inch of sleet was recorded. Now I know that most of us midwesterners and midwest expatriates alike would deem this as an insignificant amount. However, the surprising part is that my friend lives in, this is grand, Texas, of all places.

Now myself, being from Arizona (hey, four years in Indiana officially makes you a midwesterner) I find this quite intriguing. As far back as I can remember the only presence of anything remotely resembling sleet or snow was the time when a snow machine was brought to the park close to my home.

Steve's reaction?

"It sux because nobody knows how to drive."


We all know what the weather round' these parts has been as of late. Very much not unlike what a winter wonderland should be. Eight inches for Greenfield was it? My my.

All this negativity gives me no choice but to ponder my whereabouts during Spring Break. Oh, wait. What's that? That's right, I'm not going anywhere for Spring Break. Fantastic. I can't tell you how much I wish I could go to Mexico. If you haven't been there I do suggest you go sometime in the near future.

Actually, I have a better idea. Who's up for a trip to Australia? Yes. Hell yes. That would be a Spring Break to remember. Who's with me? The more I think about it the more serious the idea becomes...You do know it's their summer right now don't you?

Well I do believe my routine of bad entries has come to a close. About damn time.

Goodnight Ladies and Gents, goodnight.

MUSIC: Finch - What It Is To Burn