I Dug Out Old Black And Gold.
2004-04-04 : 10:52 p.m.

There are four, count em' four, weeks of school left, and then finals. Once again stoked = I. With this in mind and the fact that the weather outside is starting to become nicer everyday, my mind is starting to wander. I keep losing focus on the here and now and keep thinking about what's coming next. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do this summer. I know my dad has a job lined up for me all ready to go. And I know I could make a lot of money this summer too. Yet there's something else looming on the horizon, an opportunity that lies half across the country yet is still within my grasp. No matter what happens though, this is bound to be a summer I won't soon forget.

In other news, news concerning the rest of my life anyway, I am now an official Anthropology Major. That's right, as of Friday my would be teaching career took a backseat and gave way to what I personally believe is better for me. Some of you may think of this as taking the easy way out, and you are correct. But if the easy way pays more, then change my name to something with Darth in front of it and bring on the Dark Side.

This entry has been a whole lot of school and not enough...pictures. That's right pictures, four of them. They're old ones, but good ones. They're all of random Glassmen people taken at The Last Supper. There are names to go along with the pictures but sadly no bouncing ball, so please follow along carefully.

This first photo is of a few members from the G-Pit. On the left we have (pardon me if I don't remember the correct names, sorry) who I think is Steve Yoder and Jeremy. Then on the right we have Steve-O and the ever-exuberant Ben.

This picture I call euphoniums, a baritone, a mello-chick, and a Hickman. On the left is Paul (the baritone), Neil, and Adam who are both fellow euphonium players. On the right is Sean (another euphonium), Stephanie (the mello-chick), and Matt (a.k.a. Klumpp - another euphonium). The man standing watching me taking the picture is the fabulous Brian Hickman who you all have seen before.

This is one is a little harder...ok...let's go. On the left we have Ilonka, Jaime, Kevin, Adrienne, and Justin. On the right we have Jason, Gallie, Aaron, Stephanie, and Olyvia. Damn I'm good.

Last but not least...and on the left side we have Flo, Steve, Nicole, Amanda, Amy, and Heather. On the right there be Andy, Brittany, Jason, Erin, Roger (Joker), and Ian.

I promise to have more recent photographs up and online once I get off my lazy and ass and bother to put them on there, promise. Until then I bid you all farewell.

Goodnight everyone.

MUSIC: Reizoko - Misk