On The Go!
2003-04-09 : 11:37 p.m.

Well since no one else has said anything about him...

Just who the hell is this Funky Frank character? Has anyone else gotten notes and/or an entry in their guestbook?

Well, can you blame the guy for wanting to flaunt his hot ass? He's not gay, he's from Canada.

Well anyway...

Remember when I talked about finding my long-lost pair of boxers? Yeah, I don't have a picture, sorry. But what I do have is the continuing story from that entry.

Well part of that was what happens when you clean your room and your dorm. Anywho, after promising a certain someone that I would obtain for them a certain singer's likeness on a poster, I went looking for said parcel in my dorm.

Well low-and-behold I found it just where I thought I would, in the closet behind the T.V. But, BUT, what I also found was this,

You may recall me listing this as one of the many great works by Mr. Dali that I wished to obtain.

As luck would have it, I'm an idiot.

Last semester (before this wretched weather showed up) I remember buying a print for five bucks at the Student Crossing, then rolling it up, putting it inside another poster, and completely forgetting about it.

Oh well. One down, eight to go.


Gosh, don't we all just look so lovely? I look so much like my brother in this picture it's uncanny. In other words, I look like a dork. Thanks go out to Brett for the title of this picture.

This diary is done (for tonight only, promise).

MUSIC: Don't Look Down - All Those Times