The Astronomy Test Went Well, By The Way.
2003-03-26 : 10:37 p.m.

About last night, the dorm/bedroom thing and the dinner situation. Not that they had anything to do with eachother other than the fact that they were both mentioned at the same time, but yeah.

As I was cleaning my room the other day (at home) I moved my clothes dresser over, and low-and-behold there lay a pair of boxers. Just not any boxers mind you, what could possibly one of my favorite pairs of boxers, ever. My Structure� boxers, with the Hawaiian flower pattern to them. I'll try to get a picture up as soon as possible. They are, in a word, outstanding.

Another thing from entry-previous. As I sat down to eat my dinner last evening, wait, let's start over. As I was almost done eating my dinner last evening in the Atrium, a young female (accompanied by another young female) sitting at a table opposite myself said to me,

"Hey buddy, do you want to come sit with us?

Now imagine me (looking like I usually do until Friday afternoon, all scruffy, moppy haired, and wearing the same clothes I have been for the entire week) being asked to sit with two (fine, I'll admit it, attractive) young females. The look on my face must have been a classic. Imagine that look of "Huh, who, me?" on my face accompanied by (and I'm sure I was doing this) a piece of breadstick hanging out of my mouth.

"Huh? Oh, uh, no, I mean, I'm almost finished, sorry.

"Ok buddy."

I really wasn't actually. But for some reason I got up out of there real quick like. I even put my melon cup in my bag instead of eating it. The melon, not the cup.

I'm telling you this because, well, I don't know why I'm telling you this. In days olden, I would have jumped at the opportunity. Now it's as if I see every girl who talks to me as a threat. A threat to Caitlin and myself, if you will. No joke, yo. And what's with the "buddy" thing anyway?

Oh well. Crazy love. What are you gonna do?


On tomorrow night's episode: Steve talks about his "feelings" concerning this summer.

Don't worry, I won't ever do that tomorrow night's episode thing again.

Today's Picture...

(That either.)

Oh The Sweetness

Whatever happened to day's like this? I'll let you take it all in for a second. Thanks go to "that bitch" (her words, not mine) Becky for the use of the picture. Without permission, of course.

Sign the damn Guestmap! That's Map, not book.

MUSIC: John Mayer(?!?) - Neon