Ode To Diaryland.
2003-04-10 : 10:35 p.m.

My girlfriend is absolutely amazing.

No reason. Only because I said so is enough.

It's come to my attention that writing these entries is becoming increasingly difficult. I have no idea why, so don't ask.

Wow. These diaries have not only been our greatest outlet, they've become a way of life. Think about it, how many times have you caught yourself thinking, "I can't wait to write about this in my diary" or "What am I going to write about tonight?" You know you've all done it. Myself especially.

It's an amazing thing, what Diaryland has become. There are One-Hundred and Thirty Seven diary owners who list Greenfield as their hometown. Now, that's not counting those who don't put their location either. Sure, there are others who never write, and those who have multiple diaries. Ehem... But the point is, that's a lot.

I never thought this place would become as popular as it has. It's quite outstanding if you ask me. What better way to keep in touch? What better way to express yourself? What better way to say your last goodbyes?

It's all here. From joy to sorrow and from final endings to new beginnings. It's times like these I wish I were a better writer. That way I could make this entry into something more. I could make it something that would have you yelling "Yeah Steve!" "Diaryland rules!"

I already do that.

Where would we be without this place?

I don't know about you, but I'm here to stay.

I love my diary.

And so do you.

Therefore, I declare today, April 10, 2003 to be the official Diaryland Day. All hail Diaryland! Tip your hats and raise your glasses folks! Give your diary a big kiss and wish it a Happy Diaryland Day!


Bye For Now!


El Fin.


I Love John Mayer.

Goodnight Kids.

Yay For You And Your Diary!


*Hugs & Giggles*




Love You.

Gringo Maldito!

I saw this crazy guy somewhere in Mexico a couple years ago when I was in Los Cabos. He was wearing a Thursday shirt so I asked if I could take his picture. You don't believe me? The sign is in spanish, isn't it?

MUSIC: Fairweather - South Street 1 A.M.