Hot, With Two T's.
2005-03-02 : 1:39 a.m.

A long time ago, some year that I don't care to look up, man created beer. Wait, let me go back a little further. A long time ago The Good Lord created the world and everything in it. Now, aside from the fact that the whole essence of "existince" came into the picture, many regard this as a bad move. A good compromise was his gift of beer, and whatever day it was he decided to bless us with it. Many regard this as a good move. What has any of this got to do with anything? The answer is nothing, but isn't that the point? The answer is, no.

...well it's got something to do with this entry, entry #438. You'll see later.

Joe, Matt, Chad, and I had Buffalo Wild Wings (most affectionately referred to as B-Dub's, mostly by those who frequent the establishment more than myself, and mostly by people who like eating buffalo wings) tonight. Twas' the first time I had been to the fine restaurant upon it's upheaval and relocation from the village. I must admit it was quite the improvement. I now have a place to go when I want to watch members of the Pacers destroy the faces of dirty Piston's fans - on a 20 X 15 foot television no doubt.

Joe and I have been debating whether or not to have a St. Patrick's Day party here at the house. I do feel as though such a high concentration of people could be detrimental to the stability of the house. If not, then it's certainly breaking some kind of fire code. However, even though this party is nowhere near official, Joe has been downloading "Irish" tunes sinces the concept's...inception. After hearing the countless number of Celtic tunes coming from the adjacent room, I can honestly say I know not of a greater idea.

And now, I give you youthful naivety at its greatest. All of which was induced by the consumption of enough beer to kill a small child. Possibly several times over, possibly not. In either case, it's a good add-on to the first paragraph I wrote.

Notice the retro, aviator-styled sunglasses...indoors! The ridiculous expression upon his face! The pointed finger! THE BEER IN HAND! THE POPPED COLLAR!!!

I lead such an interesting life.

MUSIC: My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You