I've Been A Gold Member For More Than A Year Now.
2005-01-30 : 11:28 p.m.

Wow, what can I say? For four weeks straight I've been blessed with awesome weekends, each one equally awesome in its own way. Let's start with January 7-9.

BD weekend, amazing. I sometimes forget that whenever I'm with that particular group of people I'm in the company of some of the most talented people in the world. I was most certainly reminded of this, that weekend. The new recruits are alright people. Just like at Glassmen, being a vet is completely different. It's nice knowing most everyone's name and even nicer seeing familiar faces, especially those absent from banquet. The music is phenomenal as always. It kind of reminds me of mid-nineties style BD, yeah, like 96' and 97'. If you want to know more, go here. And of course, I'm going to Europe.

January 14-16, I'm going back to California. No, seriously. Two weekends in a row I found myself in that enormous stretch of land known as California. This time I visited Disneyland with my mother, a trip we take every five years. Yes, cute. How was it? It's the happiest place on Earth, how do you think it was? Highlights included: spending time with my mom, sunshine, the Tron� (Glassmen) Mickey, Storybook Land, and Fastpasses. Splash Mountain, The Haunted Mansion, and Space Mountain weren't running though! What the shit is that?!?! Minus those items (and finding out the Colts lost) it was one of the best "vacations" ever.

The big (two) one, January 21-23. My birthday was last weekend, it was the best birthday I've ever had, in my entire life, period. Friday night I had a party in celebration of this event. Quite honestly it was one of the best parties we've ever had at my house here in Muncie. We started off with a power hour, and continued on from there. Just about everyone who said they would come did, and you couldn't move without bumping into someone, it was great. Before I went to bed I apparently ate an entire bag of Cheetos�. Yeah, don't ask how. Curtis also decided to puke. That was nice of him.

Saturday night was when the real fun started. Before heading out to the bar at midnight (midnight being the 23rd) we had some more people over. Then came the bar. At the stroke of midnight I turned 21 and headed in. I don't know how I'm still alive. I had in all 21 various shots of various drinks from various people. Some were straight, some were mixed. I remember getting to 15 and being at the bar. What I don't remember is leaving the bar, going to bed, and watering my computer. Yeah, you read that right, more later. Anyway, I woke up still drunk, not hungover, drunk. Luckily (I think) I didn't puke until I tried to drink some orange juice once I woke up. But then I felt better so I didn't care anymore. Yes...

Presents you ask? Well first and foremost, that would be my wonderful friends. Then the two that stand out most (and are the two best) are One; A new digital camera from my old man. Now instead of carrying a dozen or so disposable cameras with me on tour I can just use one. Not having to pay 100 bucks to get them all developed will be nice too. Two; My mom got me a portable DVD player. As you can tell I travel a lot. And since most airlines have decided not to show movies from Indy to Phoenix (my usual route) this was a much "needed" gift. Kudos to mom.

Oh yeah, my gift to myself. That would have to be the new DVD-RW, CD-RW drive installed in my computer. Not that I necessarily wanted to blow $130, but I done messed it up somethin' fierce. We're talking water damage here folks. So much so that the CD-RW drive I had would open and close on its own from the moment you turned on the computer to the moment you turned it off. Yeah, nice. I spilled something on the keyboard too, and I'm still trying to fix that. Oh, and one of the USB ports is jank too, it's swell. Oh well, life goes on.

I have a multitude of pictures to share with you all, including the ones from the ice storm during break. So remind me to get on that. I'm gonna go clean my room now.

MUSIC: Story Of The Year - In The Shadows