Two Weeks From Today I Was Right Three Years Ago.
2004-11-15 : 3:09 a.m.

The process of living one's life is exhausting. Over the course of the past couple of weeks I've been finding out that it's harder and harder to just simply exist. That doesn't mean I plan to stop existing anytime soon though. But what I do mean is, I think it's time I start to prioritize some of the things in my life.

Work is hard, there's no doubt about that. This past week I clocked in a total of 40 hours and 37 minutes. That's pretty much double what I expected to be working, or what I wish I was working. I can ask them to reduce the number of hours I work, but that'll be hard considering Matt plans on leaving after this week, bringing the total number of people available to work dish to a staggering five. That's five, out of a possible eleven. Yeah, six have come and gone since I started.

I'm on really good terms with all the managers, and they all seem to like me. Therefore, I would have somewhat of a guilt trip if I had to quit. Lord knows I need the money too. Yeah that's right Jesus, send some more cash my way. So work can go, if need be. But I really don't want it to.

There's no doubt that my school work is being affected by work. I barely have time to do anything at all because of it. I really wanted to make a good first impression with the Anthropology department this semester, since it would be my first as an Anthro. major. Alas, I must admit that I could be doing better, if tweren't for my job. In order of importance, school definitely comes first. And it's time I start making it that way.

I miss meeting people too, specifically girls. My social life is pretty non-existant because of both school and work. - As I write this, I realize it's nothing but a giant complaint that I'm sure a million other people go through, but it helps to get it out. - Don't get me wrong, I've met lots of people, but not as many as I could. The saddest part is all I really want to do is spend the majority of my time with one person in particular.

It's hard to judge which is more important, I need money, but I need to get a life as well (not playing X-box in my spare time I do have might help actually). I'm content with the friends I have now, but you know what I mean. Come to think of it, I don't even have enough time for them. Wow my life can be pretty rough sometimes.

So here's what I'm going to do. First of all, I'm going to stop playing X-box, that's easy. Then I'm going to ask them to reduce the number of hours they have me working. If they can't do that, then I have no choice but to turn in my resignation, no matter how on-the-level I am with the managers. I'm going to try harder in my classes and devote more time to studying. I do have ADD, I know this, but I can overcome. Last but certainly not least, I'm going to make more time for my friends. They're really the only good thing I've got going for me and I'm not going to lose them too.

I think I'll stop staying up until three in the morning as well.

MUSIC: Taking Back Sunday - The Union