I Love My Job.
2004-10-25 : 12:24 a.m.

I hate my job. I hate lots and lots of things about my job. I hate how since starting there Josh has quit and Jeff has been fired, leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack and/or extra shifts. I hate how Otis does nothing in the morning and how the rest of us have to catch up because he does nothing. I hate how I'm the first one in after Otis too.

I hate how the servers never stack any of the plates, or how none of them have the common sense to put up a new rack for glasses. I hate how we're forever running out of souffle cups, and how we have to change the water after we wash them. I hate how we have to wait until after changing the water before we can run glasses through. I hate changing the water.

I hate how hot every, single, dish is. I hate pot soaks. I hate endless shrimp. I hate how everytime we're about to catch up we have to do a trash run. I hate trash runs. I hate how the back corner always has water in it, always. I hate how the other corner always smells like a combination of ten year-old garbage and dog shit. I hate ten year-old garbage, and dog shit.

I hate having to close every night. I hate working on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I hate having only two people working on a Saturday night when there are normally three. I hate clocking out at 1:15 because of this. I hate it when you come in on a Sunday and no dishes have been done because the person who was scheduled to work in the afternoon decided to call off. I hate it when the other person scheduled to work with you is a depressive hypochondriac who decides to leave early because he or she doesn't feel well, even though you're already beind by a couple hundred dishes, and you're left to close by yourself, but not before he or she tells you they also just put in their two weeks notice.

And I hate, I hate, I hate, PETER PAN! Well, not really. But I do hate my job.

MUSIC: The Shins - So Says I