Mad World.
2004-09-20 : 1:10 p.m.

I skipped class today. I skipped two classes actually. My alarm went off on time, its incessant buzzing does its job quite well, I just turned it off. This is the first time I've skipped class all year, something I promised myself I wouldn't do. Archaeology I can get by with not going to, it's my Physical Anthropology class which is going to hurt me.

The excuse I gave myself for not going was the amount of sleep I got last night, or the lack thereof rather. And then there are the reasons for that as well. I had far too many things running through my head last night, thoughts from one end of the spectrum to the other. I was basically thinking too hard to fall asleep.

You know what I miss most about the summer? When you're in corps, that's all you have to worry about. You're there to do a job. And everyday all you have to do is the same thing. Yeah, it gets old real quick, but then sometimes you just remind yourself about times like I had last night. Times where you try to fall asleep with your eyes open because the thoughts racing around your head are happening so fast you forget to think about closing your eyes.

Then again this could all have come about because I watched Donnie Darko earlier in the day. Overall a very good movie, but it just leaves you with too much to figure out on your own. That may be the point, I don't know, but its interpretation is still beyond me.

Right now I'd love to just take some time off and clear my head. I want to go on a long drive somewhere, somewhere to nowhere actually. Time's running out too. Soon enough it'll be winter, and that will last until May, and then I'll have to leave again for BD. See? I'm already thinking too much. Ok, let's just blame it on the movie.

MUSIC: Gary Jules - Mad World