How Many Do You Know?
2004-04-07 : 11:50 a.m.

It isn't official, but I have my schedule all worked out for next semester. There's quite a bit of Anthropology in there. But of course, it is my major. Thankfully a lot of these classes are only offered at one time, so there's no reason as to why this schedule shouldn't work out. If it doesn't, heads will roll.


11:00-11:50 / ANTH103 - Archaeology
12:00-12:50 / ANTH206 - Physical Anthropology
3:00-4:50 / ANTH206 Lab
5:00-6:15 / MKG300 - Principles Of Marketing


11:00-12:15 / ANTH459 - Ethnographic Methods
2:00-2:50 / ANTH200 - Sophomore Anthropology Seminar


11:00-11:50 / ANTH103 - Archaeology
12:00-12:50 / ANTH206 - Physical Anthropology
5:00-6:15 / MKG300 - Principles Of Marketing


11:00-12:15 / ANTH459 - Ethnographic Methods
2:00-2:50 / ANTH200 - Sophomore Anthropology Seminar


11:00-11:50 / ANTH103 - Archaeology
12:00-12:50 / ANTH206 - Physical Anthropology

I like how I start off with a lot and then have it steadily decrease towards Friday. I think that's better than having a little bit at the start of the week and pushing it until Friday. Sure, "it gives you something to look forward to" if you have it that way, but so what? It's my schedule. Oh by the way, did I mention that I picked up a Marketing Minor? I'm fairly certain I said that a while ago. If not, I'm saying it now - I picked up a minor in Marketing.

MUSIC: Sugar Ray - Stay On