2003-11-02 : 9:21 p.m.

Some people are dumb. Real dumb. And that's ok, because I get to make fun of them in my diary.

My favorite people to make fun of are those who can't see through my sarcastic wit, or those who have no idea who I am and make assumptions based on one diary entry.

Like this person, who wrote:

"My My someone is very greety"

What I find entertaining (besides the fact that they missed the point of that entry entirely) is the fact that they also mispelled greedy. Yeah nobody's perfect, I know. But if you're going to call me something, call me something spelled correctly, thanks.

And who the hell is this guy, Bryter Layter?

And what the hell is this supposed to mean:

"There are five leaves left on the apple tree underneath the pink moon tonight. Forget the things you want, they won't matter to you later. Just listen."

Ok then. Kudos to you man. Kudos to you.

Halloween was fun. That's the consensus anyway. Not a lot of us remember it so we all agreed it was such. There are plenty of pictures but my camera has yet to be developed. However, Joe took what pictures he could with his new-fangled digital� camera.

Joe was none-other-than Joe Dirt, Bryan was a cowboy, Lindsey was a baseball player, Andrew was Doctor F. Good, Jason was Lenny Kravitz, and Brandon was a convict, old-school style. I myself...well, I don't really know what I was actually. A last minute dash to the costume store produced a costume which was somewhere between Shakespeare (Lindsey's ruling), Samuel Adams (Brandon's ruling), a pirate (a lot of people's rulings), and Prince Charming (my own ruling). None of which really fit the bill so you're free to make your own assumptions.


I look like a villian in lots of the pictures which isn't necessarily what I was going for, sorry.

This is Lindsey playing her flute shaped like a penis which she got for her 21st birthday. Yeah, it's flute shaped like a penis...

This is Brandon in his convict outfit.

This is the four of us, Bryan, Myself, Joe, and Brandon.

And this is me posing like the chump that I am. I'm not wearing my sabre which helped with the costume. However, what made the costume was the fact that I shaved off my gotee and kept my dirty moustache and soul patch. But hey, I still looked like a stud.

Argh matee.

MUSIC: Phantom Planet - California