History & Prometheus.
2003-09-23 : 10:52 p.m.

You know, it's really easy to blame someone else for you being an idiot.

Now, in case you didn't know I happen to enjoy history. I enjoy learning about it, understanding what it means, and even making it. I enjoy it enough to make a career out of it anyway. However, the people in my History 150 class are definitely, not me. History 150 would sound like it's necessary for my major, but no, not at all. It's just another one of those useless core classes they make you take. And I do mean useless.

Well anyways I had a test in said class this evening. Now, this was probably one of the easiest tests I will ever have to take in my lifetime, but...I couldn't help but hear the plethora of excuses individuals gave to eachother for the grade they expected to receive.

Listen folks, the instructor may be one heart attack short of a quadruple bypass and may know less than half of the students, but if anything that should make the class that much easier. There's no excuses here. Everything that was on the test was covered in class. Maybe if you showed up, or at least stayed awake you might have known this. In fact, I know of several things which were not on the test, which leads me to my next point...

Why the fuck wasn't all that bullshit we went over on the damn test?!?!

Let's see, there were 50 of the most ridiculous questions on this test. Which almost makes me feel like a total fool for missing any, which I know I did, probably five. Anyfuckingway, the point is that's 45 out of 50, and that means 90 out of 100. 90% = Unacceptable, especially in this class.

So I guess it evens out. The rest of you are idiots for complaining about the test, and I'm an idiot for even missing one question on it. But at least I know who to blame, you whiney bitches.

That's kind of harsh...but it's true, so I'll let it go.

Well it's that time of the entry, the picture time. For the next couple of entries I'm going to have a little theme going.

We at the Glassmen become relatively close over the course of the summer. So close in fact, that we usually end up changing in front of one another and spending a little quality time naked on the bus. Now don't worry moms and dads, think of it naked like brother and sister naked. ;)

Don't believe me? Well here, see for yourself.


My first example would be the way-cool L.C., or Mr. Larry Christopher. What a stud.

Joel & Brandon

We even get nakie outside, as evident by Joel and Brandon here.


You all remember Ilonka right? Well even the girls like to show a little skin every now and then. Good for them.

MUSIC: The Fire Theft - Sinatra