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2003-09-06 : 1:46 a.m.

Last evening before I ventured over to Scott's (as I mentioned I would earlier) I decided to tone what very little muscles I have into what some call "shape."

I say "shape" because I have yet to see any. Whatever this phenomena may be, I am certainly in the lacking. My trip to the gym only did two things for me: make me sore as hell and help reaffirm my belief that I am a skinny, skinny man.

Scott's was decent enough. Let's recap shall we?

Thursday Night: Yes, indeed it was a Thursday.

The Lead-line: Partial, Sloan and the other black trumpet player were not in attendance.

You: As in me, myself, yes, I was there.

Nicole: Sadly no, Nicole was not in attendance last evening.

Lots of hot chicks: Uh, no, not really. In fact, there was one, then she left.

Beer: Yes, indeed there was beer. Which I'm sure helped increase the number of "hot chicks" present.

And others: Other what? Sure, I guess...

Well as a result of last evening's debauchery(ies) today was the first time this (two week old) school year that I did not get up and prepare myself in an orderly fashion for class, i.e. shower, brushing my teeth, clean clothes, eat breakfast, etc...I'm rather disappointed in myself over this. I promised myself I'd maintain a higher level of hygiene. Last years up and out ten minutes prior to class with at least a ten minute walk left me feeling...I think soiled would be going too far. Perhaps.

I got a haircut today. Good for me.

Much more after banquet.

MUSIC: Some Kind Of Techno, It All Kind Of Runs Together, You Know?