A Slightly Skewed (Don't Ask How) Review.
2003-08-16 : 10:21 p.m.

My oh my where does the time fly when you have so much to do and you consistantly sit on your ass and do, nothing?

Ah summer vacation, how I love thee.

Wait a second...Oh yes I nearly forgot, I don't have a summer vacation, that's right. My summer involves sweat, ugly scars, swamp foot, blood, lugging around a nine pound piece of brass, drill, the occasional tear, and the glorious twelve hours a day in the wonderful sun.

That's where my summers went. A sacrifice to the wonderful god of Drum Corps. Bastard.

Well yes my friends, I have returned. Please hold the applause.

Same Corps, but a different kind of tour. This year we went out East. Ah New England, full of stormy weather, long parades, and the most ill-mannered Drum Corps fans on the planet. Wow are some of those people messed up.

"Crossmen got ripped!"

Yeah, ok buddy.

Honestly all the states we visited were kind of a blur. The weather was mostly overcast whenever we were in a New England state, and we got rained on, a lot. More on that in a bit.

Whenever we were in the Midwest the weather was actually quite nice. There really wasn't any state that was overly hotter than any other. Overly hotter...That doesn't sound right. Whatever.

Arkansas, however, was probably the hottest. Texas was too, but that's to be expected. Yes, Arkansas sucked.

And if only she did... ;)

No Port Huron this year. Thank you Jesus.

Our placement you ask? Well, fuck DCI. Fuck them in their stupid asses.


The End.

It was however a better summer than last in regards to the company I spent it with. I became closer with my friends from last year, people who I didn't really know from last year, and made a conscious effort to get to know all the new rookies. I do believe I could name everyone in the Corps. Good for me.

Yet, as I look back at what I had written upon my last return home, it makes me wonder who I was back then.

This time around I'm not really looking forward to another summer of Corps. No not with another Corps, not with any Corps. I wouldn't march anywhere but the Glassmen anyway.

I just missed so much this time. I kept thinking about everyone at home having the summer of their life and me missing out on it. The key word here is missed. I missed everybody. Tour is more lonely than you think.

Meh, more later. Much more, movie time.


MUSIC: Camber - Improbably Upside