I Wish...A Lot Of Things Actually.
2003-05-08 : 2:29 a.m.

Well ok then...

A large consortium of diaries which have me listed as a favorite. I took the liberty of reading some of these diaries (the ones I did not recognize, of course) and was a little curious, shocked, and disguisted by some.

Ugh. I was going to write a whole big long entry about how some of these diaries are just way too, I don't know, I think weird would be the best description for it.


Yeah, I won't read it, problem solved. What a paradox aye? It's a diary, something so personal and private, yet it's open to world. Wow kids! Isn't that just crazy!?!? Woo-hoo-hoo!!!!

Holy shit where the hell did that come from? Way too much caffeine in those drinks Brett's mom makes. They are amazing after a hard night of basketball though.

And tonight was so very hard. Yeah, turnovers guy, turnovers. Basketball has stolen most of my evening hours this past week, and I like that.

Now if only summer was twice as long. Yeah, if only.

MUSIC: Incubus - Nice To Know You