Astronomy Cut This Off.
2003-03-26 : 12:04 a.m.

It's pretty much come to my attention that people don't necessarily not like Arizona. They either A. Just feel like talking a load of shit for which they have no idea how to defend, or B. They don't like me.

I've never been one to make fun of another person's team for not making the grade, but everyone else seems to do it to me and/or mine all the time.

Therefore, if Arizona should win, expect all of you who were opposed to this idea to be bombarded with never-ending IM's and e-mails. That is, only if they win. Don't expect me to make excuses if they don't either.

Wow. This tournament has gotten a lot more heated since everyone went away to college. Way to jump on the band wagon.

Remind me to elaborate on my dinner situation from this evening. And what happens when you clean your room/dorm.

Last but not least, everyone needs to sign my new Guestmap. That means everyone. Yes, even you. Let's see how crowded we can get Indiana everyone. Here's a tip, since Greenfield is becoming quite populated, zoom in, then post. It's a lot easier to get closer to where you want to be.

Wet Dreams Galore

Even Wade comes out to show his support for the Cougar Pride Guard. Or does he???

MUSIC: Switchfoot - Amy's Song