My Mom Now Reads This.........
2003-03-23 : 9:30 p.m.

And on todays episode...

I sometimes feel as though I'm living in a T.V. show. Wait, no I don't. I sometimes feel as though my life would make a rediculously lame T.V. show.

Routine is something I don't welcome very often. And school is definitely a routine. I think Curtis put it best; "5 weeks left including finals. stoked = I."

Another thing I'm growing tired of real quick is the lack of time I get to spend with my girlfriend. I think (on average) we see eachother a total of 8 hours a week.

Next year should be the same. I'm not too worried about that. What I am worried about is one year later. We already don't get to see one-another as much as we would like. With me living in Muncie and her living in Bloomington that would mean even less time together.

Now, on top of that; there's a slight possibility I might join a fraternity, allowing for even less time to be spent together.

On a side note, it would appear that my roommate for next year has not only a lazy eye, but a limp as well, making my count for cool roommates 0 for 2. One of the main reasons for me wanting to join a frat.

And Caitlin is giving thought to joining a Sorority as well. Making "us" time non-existant.

Also, at any given time during the summer we're anywhere from 20 to 2,000 miles apart. With sporadic 10 minute encounters every 3 weeks or so...So close yet so far.

There's no justice.

Ashley should have read my letter better.

I should have read my letter.

Now for what you've all been waiting for...

It's A Monster!

Wow. This was taken a couple of weeks ago when the effects of my sinus infection were quite obvious. To put it another way, I look like total crap.


Well if I have to look like crap, so does Lauren. This was taken at Guard State Finals. Isn't she gorgeous?

And last but not least...

The Sibling

And this would be Caitlin's lovely sister Stephanie. Isn't she a doll?

MUSIC: Alkaline Trio - Maybe I'll Catch Fire