Dogs And Cats Living Together, Mass Hysteria!
2006-01-05 : 12:59 a.m.

Hello again, diary. It has been quite some time hasn't it? I have only myself to blame I suppose. Well, myself and life anyway, but mostly me. Anyway, this general lack of an excuse for updating sounds all too familiar and I'm sure you're all too familiar with having to read it. And yet I still continue to digress, so let's move on with it shall we?

I'm not sure exactly where to start off, because I'm not exactly sure what was going on when I stopped updating. I do know my diary had just turned four years old, and many of you neglected to wish it a happy birthday upon my request. However, I feel as though there are only a handful of people left in the world who actually still read my diary anyway. But it's a good starting point nonetheless.

December, so it seems, was left absent from my diary. I find that funny, seeing as how it turned out to be one of the most eventful months of the year. First off, school (for the year 2005) is done and over with. Words cannot describe how thrilled I am about that. Some highlights concerning finals involved: over two dozen books researched and checked out, a couple hundred hours spent in the library, three group projects, two presentations, two tests, one eight and one twenty page paper. I'm still scheduled for all my classes next semester, so I'm assuming I passed all of my classes this past semester. Speaking of next semester (which starts in five days), I only have classes on Tuesday and Thursday. That my friends is fan-fucking-tastic.

Work is very much the same. However, due to circumstances beyond my control my hours have been drastically reduced, forcing me to find other means of financial stability. Therefore, I've begun dealing pot. You know, something for the kids in the neighborhood. And by dealing pot I mean I've done nothing, by kids I mean myself, and by neighborhood I mean well you get it by now. I expected to have my hours cut but not so drastically. Nothing like a slap in the face to really show how much you're worth. But also (in regards to pot) during my absence from D-Land I did happen to dip into a bit of Acapulco Gold, twice actually. Not that I went out of my way to get some, but I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

And yes, there's always Christmas. Christmas was splendid, to say the least. Some highlights included: Douglas Adams' acclaimed novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, two of my favorite movies from my childhood, The Princess Bride and Batman the Movie, as well as what is quite possibly the most definite proof that God exists and he wants me to be happy, this. But, of course, the best part about Christmas was getting to spend it with my family. This year, Mom decided to venture up here for a change. She and Dad stayed the night a couple times, cooked some great food, and cleaned the house after my ass of a roommate Bryan trashed it shortly before their arrival. I also got a new fish. It died. So I got a new one. It's name is Darwin, mostly because I was reluctant to name the previous fish this upon a suggestion from my mother, which I believe is why the other fish decided to kill himself. He had a pretty weak name, I would have killed myself too.

New Years was better than last year, but then again it doesn't take much to beat cleaning up shit. Chuck and I went and had a grand Auld Lang Syne time with Katie (Brett's sister-in-law) and a couple of her horses. She lives on a farm, with said horses. I didn't really bother to come up with any New Years Resolutions, seeing as how I don't even bother keeping resolutions I make any other time of year. Doing better in school always comes to mind, but so does winning the lottery, and I pretty much have an equal chance at both.

My birthday's coming up soon. At the top of my wish list is a check totaling the amount owed on my credit card. Just slightly below that is the amount owed on my tuition, and then following that would be my rent for the month of February. Assorted gift cards from Best Buy and/or Marsh are always appreciated as well.

That's all from me. Hope you stuck around to finish till the end. Hopefully you'll hear from me before another month's time, but I wouldn't hold my breath. On second thought, do hold your breath, because I've never liked that saying, and if you use it I think you deserve not being able to breath. A little harsh, I know, but fitting, and funny.


MUSIC: Hidden In Plain View - Twenty Below