Actually, My Butt Was The Only Thing That Didn't Hurt.
2005-04-26 : 10:56 p.m.

This morning I spent the better part of two hours in the emergency room at Ball Memorial Hospital. Not my favorite way to kill time from 3:30 to 5:30 but it's not like I had a choice either. That's a good enough introduction so now I'll just get on with the story.

I woke up around 3:30 in quite a bit of pain that could best be identified as a 6 out of 10. It started in my lower back just slightly above my tailbone. From there it shot down both legs and all the way to the bottom of my feet. The sensation was as if someone was trying to hammer my spine upwards through the bottom, and every muscle in my leg felt as though it was asleep, cramped, flexed, and beaten.

I got up out of bed, tried walking around, and quickly realized (as the pain intensified) that this course of action was not the correct one. The pain then increased to a 7. I then tried stretching. My back and legs then tried more pain, level 8. I took two ibuprofens and tried going back to sleep only to find that every position just brought about more pain, level 8.

My health insurance is free, so I made the decision to go to the hospital. It was a good decision. On my journey the pain only got worse. And, of course, I hit every red light possible. Then the numbness came. That was basically limited to the region below my ass. The pain continued down my legs, level 9. Then I got to the hospital. It might have been the fact that it was four in the morning or that they're just that good, but I got to the back pretty quickly.

"Just to be safe," they took X-Rays. The X-Rays (as I was told) were "good." Now I don't know if that meant they turned out to be good X-Rays or that it showed nothing out of the ordinary but "good" is "good" no matter what. I was given a shot of something, what I don't recall (come to think of it, I was never told what I was being given), to help take care of the pain. Level 9, 8, 7, 6, a steady 4, good enough to be released on and to get some sleep. And good enough to produce some trippy dreams as well.

To make a long story short (like I would be capable of doing that anyway), what I probably had/have? is a Sciatica:

SCI�AT�I�CA - A weakness and/or changes in sensation along the path the sciatic nerve travels.

So I was given a prescription for some pain-killers and an anti-inflammatory to help make sure this bitch never comes back. And if it does come back, I'll just kick its ass. I'm fine now though, just the usual sore muscles from camp and the usual sickness that also follows. Camp was good, by the way. More later...

What's pretty ironic is that my old man (who is old) is going through the same thing right now. Glad I could catch up thirty years early. Only...not.

MUSIC: Coheed And Cambria - 33