You're As Cold As Ice...No More!
2005-04-11 : 12:48 a.m.

As of late I've been sweating quite a bit. The fan that has been lying unused and gathering dust under my futon has been returned to its proper place in my window. And, my ass contstantly remains stuck to whatever seat I decide to rest it in upon attempting to stand up. Nothing else could make me happier. Why, you ask? Because all these signs surely mean that winter, my arch-nemesis, is coming to an end. Good riddance, you cold and hateful bitch.

There is of course always the possibility that I am speaking prematurely. After all, I do live in the asshole of America (a.k.a. the midwest) where the weather changes faster than Michael Jackson's nose. Not funny, I know. But it gets my point across. Anyway I think we did actually have some snow in the middle of April last year, and that wasn't cool. I wonder what groundhog would taste like...probably chicken.

The point is (if there is one at all) is that winter can go away and never come back as far as I'm concerned. In fact the only thing I hate more than snow (and I do hate snow) is winter. Because with winter comes snow, and the ice, the shorter days, cabin fever, and the unbearable cold that the midwest is all to familiar with. What I grow tired of real quickly is having to blow my nose everytime I return from outside. My desert-raised dry-climate nostrils still (after nearly seven years) have yet to adjust themselves. Bastards.

But hey, all of that's over with now and I can get on with sweating my ass off. Hell, yes. And what else comes with the warm weather? That's right, summer tours and hardwood floors. Once again, tour is going to be amazing.

WGI was this weekend but unfortunately I wasn't able to go. I was greatly disappointed. Mostly because I missed seeing a lot of friends from Glassmen and BD, but also because I missed one Erin O'Connor become my fucking hero. Erin you are amazing.

Moving on to less important things...The picture from the other day was taken in San Francisco at the tourist-driven (yet Asian run) attraction of Pier 39. You know, where they have the tours of Alcatraz. Why the cow was there I don't remember, but I do know it was begging to have its picture taken. Now, I give you the sexiest roommate I have ever had:

MUSIC: The Mercury Program - Marianas