I Used A Roll And A Half Of Wrapping Paper.
2004-12-08 : 1:39 a.m.

Starting now, if everyday got progressively better all the way to the end of the year, that would be phenomenal. Meaning, (in a subversive, why the Hell don't I just come out and say it, kind of way) today was a good day.

The key word of the day was "focus." I learned a great deal of it from my Anthropology Advisor, how very little of it my G.A. for ANTH 206 (Amy) has of it when it comes to grading papers, how much of it I need when training for two new positions at work in one day (a very, very good thing), and how much you need when wrapping an oversized box, in a box, in a box.....

I also watched Dodgeball. That was the capper.

One week, dead week, finals are done. I'm still not too sure about what I'm going to do next semester. I still have a lot of options to choose from but unfortunately not enough time to really give them enough thought. Maybe too much thought has already gone in to them. Maybe I'm an idiot...

All I know is I'm going to bed with a smile on my face, and that doesn't happen very often. Tomorrow should be good. Goodnight Kids.


I still want a new car, and still need suggestions.

MUSIC: Piebald - The Benefits Of Ice Cream