Gettin' Paid.
2004-09-08 : 11:24 p.m.

I turned in a lot of job applications today. And by a lot, I mean, a lot. Pretty sure I covered the whole spectrum of possible job opportunities. The only thing I left out were fast-food restaurants. I promised myself a long time ago that I will never work in one of those places. Well, unless you count Pizza Hut as fast food, because I did apply there. Anyway, these are all the places I offered my services to:

Restaurants: The Olive Garden, Chilis, IHOP, Carlos O' Kelly's, Red Lobster, Pizza Hut

Electronics: Best Buy, Blockbuster

Pets: Petsmart

Clothing Stores: Aeropostale, Old Navy, The Buckle

Working in a restaurant would probably be my least ideal choice. I really don't want to have to wait tables for a bunch of yuppies at a place like The Olive Garden. Although, everyone I know who's worked there tells me that they, get paid. I already talked to one manager at Red Lobster and I know that if I really want to I can wash dishes there. However, I have a meeting with her on Tuesday to further discuss my opportunities at her fine establishment.

Everyone I told about applying at Best Buy has told me the same thing. Something along the lines of, "You'd spend all your money before you left!" or "You'd be like a kid in a toy store." Unfortunately I'm inclined to agree.

And of course there's always Petsmart. I've always wanted a job there but they never seem to be hiring at the right time. I'm good with pets and I know a stupid amount of things about fish, so hey their loss.

As for clothing, Old Navy and Aeropostale were the two places that I was least interested in. Surprisingly enough, it was The Buckle (a store I had never been in before) which yielded the best results. I totally dug the styles they had going on in there, and the prices that went with them as well. Anyway, here's a nice little story for you all.

I walk into the place to pick up my application and stay just long enough to look at some of the watches they have and then I depart. Later in the evening I decide to visit Lindsey, Sarah, and Jessica's pad to see what it's all about. Turns out Lindsey has several friends who work at The Buckle one of them being the assistant manager, her name is Tara. Tara arrived at Lindsey's shortly after I did. This is where it gets good.

Tara happened to mention to me that on my way out the manager turned to her and said the following (and I quote, Tara): "Who was that? Did anyone talk to him? Did you see his style?" And I assure you this was all said in a good way (apparently I was dressed like one of the mannequins on display, got me). So, when I returned the application later that evening I got a interview set up with Dean, the manager, on Friday. And it so happens that Tara often sits in during the interview and gives the final yes or no when it comes to hiring the person. This is good, this is very good.

So we shall see. For now I all I know is that I have a big fricken' callous on my finger from writing out so many damn applications, and the amount of space they give you to write your information in is ridiculous. I really hope I get the job though. Getting paid would be nice, especially since I have no cash right now. Gettin' paid fucking rules.

MUSIC: Yo La Tengo - Blue Line Swinger