A Tale Of A Tale.
2004-03-22 : 12:57 a.m.

My my my, it's been far too long since I wrote something lengthy (as stated in the previous entry) in this here diary of mine. It's time to write something lengthy, wouldn't you all agree? I think I'll call this my Fabulous (Quasi) Drum Corps Memory # 1,999,999...

Spring Break was just too long to include everything at once, so I'll start with this. This is the tale of the events surrounding March 5th and 6th. That weekend the Glassmen Drum and Bugle Corps was playing with the Toledo Symphony. I had asked the lovely Marie if she would like to attend and plans were made for her to come here and drive to Toledo. However, Marie's Vehicle wasn't quite up to the task so our friend Jason offered to pick her up (along with Brian, Ian, and Jason's bass drum) and take her here on his way to the Glassmen camp.

I agree to meet them at a gas station near the Ball State exit. I show up, Marie gets dropped off, all is fine. Right? No, not exactly. While pulling out of the gas station Jason's car makes this loud "CLANK" sound and all of a sudden Jason can't move his steering wheel. So here's Jason, in the middle of two lanes trying to get his car back into the gas station, he can't move his wheels, cars are almost slamming into him, and Brian and Ian look as though they're about to shit their pants right before they meet their respective ends.

Somehow Jason manages to pull back into the station without dying and proceeds to bitch about his car and call a tow-truck. Assuming that this problem can't be fixed till the next day it looks like there's going to be a slumber party in Scuba Steve's dorm. Marie's got to take some online test at a certain time so I take her back to my dorm and return later to pick up my Glassmen Brethren and follow them to the auto place. After a short drive to said auto place Jason gets out to get the remainder of everyone's gear out of his car. He walks over to it, but comes back shortly and asks Ian, Brian, and myself a rather random question..."Do you like beer?" To which I could only reply, "Do ducks make love in the water? (They do, by the way). Apparently Jason had locked his keys in his car and we now had to wait for the tow-truck guy to get them out.

So we sat, and sat some more, then waited, then sat and waited. Meanwhile Brian had called his brother who lived a short distance away in Ft. Wayne. He had agreed to come and pick Brian and Ian up and take them to The Glassmen the next morning. Then the tow-truck guy got Jason's car unlocked, but then he got his tool stuck in Jason's window. That poor bastard. First he has to open it up, then he has to get his tool out in the blistering cold winds. Thankfully he didn't charge extra, nice guy. Afterwards we pile everything to my vehicle and go get the beer. Brian's brother calls and we drop him and Ian back off at the gas station. I now hate that station, to and from three times for a total of 48 miles.

So only Jason stayed the night, and Marie. That's right, we had forgotten about Marie. Luckily she wasn't too upset about us taking so long. We then went out and ate, came back and drank our beer, and went to bed. The next morning Jason and I got up rather early to get his car fixed. I had planned on taking the Jeep to Toledo so I had to go home and get that while Marie stayed here and slept. That meant a road trip with Jason Hammond, who now has not only been in my dorm room, but has also had the privilege of walking into my house. So we get the Jeep, gather up his items at my dorm, and then go and get his car which was fixed in a record amount of time (they had just gotten the parts they need that day, lucky him). Turns out that "CLANK" sound we heard was his engine falling about six inches. The thing which held it up apparently broke, nice.

The concert was brilliant. Fabulous, actually. That's right, I said fabulous. I'm Steve Warren, bitch! And thus concludes this entry. Hopefully you've stayed and read the entire thing. If not, well you're a dirty bastard and I don't like you anyway. Ta-ta.

Fuck you Indiana Weather, very much actually. You too school, don't think I've forgotten about you.

MUSIC: Brent's (that's my roommate) Snoring.