A Whole Lot Of Nothing And Then Some.
2004-03-22 : 11:54 p.m.

Today was the day. Today was the day for a lot of things actually. First and foremost, today was the first day back from "Spring Break." It was like we never left. Same shit different day pretty much. I went to all the classes I was supposed to, meanwhile my roommate slept (surprise, surprise) through two of his.

As a side note: I'm really starting to think he's got some sort of medical problem when it comes to sleeping. The guy was in bed at 10:30 last night. This morning he got up at 7:00 only to return to bed at 10:15. He then did not awake until 3:15 when I returned from class. After I came back from whatever else I was doing he was again in bed, sometime around 7:00. Oh, wait, he just got up. At what time is it? 12:00? Nice.

Today was also the first day I went running outside in a long, long time. I think I forgot to tell you all that I made my goal. I now weigh 201 pounds, naked. I did it. I sat on my ass and did nothing while on my 6,000 calorie a day diet. Now I have to begin the process of running and lifting weights again to tone everything up. Tonight I ran in what I assure you was very cold weather. My hands did not like it. This time I'm serious about running too. I not only plan on getting up early tomorrow to run, but I plan on doing it again in the evening. I am a badass.

Now for something completely different...I think we can all agree that Mother Nature is a moody bitch, right? I think we can all also agree that I am a hairy sonofabitch. So I've decided to combine both of these...things, kind of. I have decided that I, Steven Warren, will not shave until the weather reaches above seventy degrees. The forecast for this weekend is just five degrees shy of this, close, but it might take a while before a razor touches my face. So far we've got one week and two days in counting. I am a lumberjack.

Go here and see one of my fellow GC alumni. Sometimse it works, sometimes it doesn't.


MUSIC: The Darkness - Love On The Rocks With No Ice