Superbowl Sundays Are Meant For January.
2004-02-02 : 1:53 a.m.

So no that last entry was not real, but it looked real didn't it? And that my friends is why I almost simultaneously had a heart attack and pissed myself at the same time upon first reading it. Had it actually been real I'm guessing the amount I'd owe would be somewhere in the millions. I did however manage to convince some of you that it was real though, if only for a short while. Some more than others it seems...

jmayermiami07: is that letter in your diary true?

ScubaS311: Yes, I wouldn't joke about something like that.

jmayermiami07: so how much money do you have to pay?

ScubaS311: About 30,000.

jmayermiami07: wait

ScubaS311: I talked to my mom's lawyer and he's spoken to the RIAA about it.

jmayermiami07: are you kidding?

ScubaS311: He's trying to get me off with only a 10,000 fine like everyone else.

jmayermiami07: how did they catch you?

ScubaS311: No, I'm not kidding.

ScubaS311: I don't know.

jmayermiami07: how are you going to pay for it?

ScubaS311: They must have had someone looking out for people.

ScubaS311: I have no idea.

jmayermiami07: oh my gosh...i'm sorry

ScubaS311: But my mom suggested dropping out of school for a semester.

ScubaS311: Or a year, I don't know.

jmayermiami07: oh my gosh

jmayermiami07: how long will you have to pay it?

ScubaS311: I don't know, we're still working out all the details and stuff.

ScubaS311: I even had a guy come and look at my computer to see what all was on it.

jmayermiami07: are you never going to download again?

ScubaS311: Uh, no. Once they catch you they keep track of what you do online and such.

ScubaS311: I was given a whole speech about it.

jmayermiami07: oh wow

ScubaS311: And I had a letter sent to me.

jmayermiami07: yeah

ScubaS311: Hey Lindsey I'm not serious at all.

ScubaS311: :-D

jmayermiami07: i'm never speaking to you again

Why is it you always have to ask a girl what's wrong before they'll tell you?

One of the most boring Super Bowls up until the last 20 minutes or so. Go Pats.

MUSIC: Again With Techno All Sounding The Same...