I Forget Myself.
2003-07-29 : ?

Girls are dumb. But, BUT men definitely allow themselves to sink to their level far too often. Wow, can we guess who this is about?

I really am too smart to let this continue any longer. Yeah, that's pretty much the bottom line. Whenever I see her it's too much and not enough at the same time. And then there's the damn kissing. What the hell is that all about?!? "Friends" don't do that, not even "good friends" do that. Unless of course you SAY it with such inflection which gives it that innuendo of scandolous behavior. Whatever, now I'm just getting ahead of myself.

The point is, I'm tired, tired of a lot of things, not just my "relationship" with Caitlin. Still though, what's ours is ours, and whatever that may be will never change. There's still more good than bad (regretfully? I don't know). I suppose it's just my story about a girl, I'm sure everyone's got one. Mine's just a little sadder. But, it's not over till it's over.

I need to stop being a tool.