2003-07-23 : ?

It seems like it's been so much longer than five days since the last time I wrote. I should know better, that's what tour does. It stretches two days into two weeks and two months into something like two days. Time flies when...you're getting your ass kicked day in and day out.

However, on the contrary (can I use both of those?) today was not one of those days. Today was a quasi free day. I say quasi because we did do some drill in the morning and had a standstill performance. BUT, we were then released into one helluva mall in downtown Nashville. It's one of those gigantic malls you find in every other state. The only thing I can really compare it to would be Arizona Mills, but I'm fairly certain none of you have ever been there or know what I'm talking about.

I feel really guilty about having free time though. The simple truth is, we suck. We are definitely having our asses handed to us right now. Forget whatever it was I said earlier, by the way. It sucks but we need the rehearsal time and we need to work. Whatever, I got three new CD's out of it. And I almost, ALMOST had access to the internet. Stupid Radio Shack...

So something happened the other night that I had been looking forward to since move-ins. We had our first competition with the Cadets, got our asses kicked but that's besides the point, and that wasn't what I was looking forward to. What I WAS looking forward to came in the form of a young lady by the name of Caitlin. So surprising, and so very confusing. I got what I wanted, but not what I expected. Ever have one of those? It felt nice though. Not that nice, perv. There's this saying that whatever happens on tour stays on tour. I would totally respect that decision, but I wouldn't like it.

It's not fair, man. I don't want to get my hopes up, therefore, I won't. Right now I'm just going to assume that we're two horny and burnt out people who just need whatever it is we can give eachother.