I Swear It.
2003-06-18 : ?

Do any of you remember last summer (before I left anyway) when I cut swearing out of my vocabulary (almost) completely? Then when I came back I used language that would make a sailor blush? Well yeah, the point is that's what corps does to you. What, turn me into a rude "pottymouth?" Yeah, actually. I mean shit, man. You just get so angry sometimes. And since masturbation sessions are few (so very few) and far (so very far) between, or you lack an appropriate seat partner (note the last entry), getting your frustration out has got to happen somehow.

Sure, you could always react violently and smack a tech or something, but that would probably get you kicked out. Actually, that'd be a GREAT way to get out your frustration. Then when they try to fill your spot you could totally go postal, take a machine gun, and shoot everyone while screaming "Fill This Hole Muthafuckas!!!" at the top of your lungs. So that might be pushing it a little, but it'd still be great fun.

I remember my breaking point last summer. Fucking boy, bastard. Yeah... So we were doing these horn moves (which were eventually taken out anyway) and I'm having trouble keeping my thumb, my small, insignificant thumb that no one will see in one spot while we do these moves. The reason I'm having such a difficult time is because my damn hand is BLEEDING from doing these moves so hard. So this ass comes up to me, grabs my hand, and tells me I'm not working hard enough. Whatever, he's not here anymore, dick. Anyways, from then on out I was just like "Fuck It." And there you have it.

Wow. I didn't really expect to talk about my language so much, but I just don't know when to shut up. Ok, I've officially become "That Guy" again so I think I'll head off. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk about what I really wanted to talk about, getting on & off the bus, oh yeah.