This Is The Last Time I Ever Use This Word.
2003-03-29 : 3:15 a.m.

These next three weeks can kiss my ass. My white and hairy ass.

The more I think about it, the more I don't want to do Glassmen this summer. Hmmmm, your question, why?

Why? I don't really know why actually. I do know that last summer was one of the best and worst summers of my life. Let's break this down shall we?

Dammit. Who cares? I pretty much don't want to march this summer because last summer all I could think about (besides Caitlin) was how much I missed my friends, and whether or not I'd get to see them all before they left for school.

Well, as it would turn out, I didn't get to see a damn one. When I finally came back, most had already left. Now yes, there were a few I got to see, most at the Indy show, but those are friends that I see on a regular basis right now anyway. And I didn't see or hear a word from Caitlin for exactly 42 days. Yeah, that fucking blew. I'm pretty sure, actually, I'm damn sure I only saw her 4 times last summer. And it was never for more than an hour.

Now I know all of you are saying, "But she's going to be on tour this summer too, and you'll see eachother more." Yes, this is true, and believe me that's the one thing I am looking forward to most this summer.

But I'm me dammit. I like not having any responsibility. Sure I'd get a job during the summer. But at least when I'm not working I get to, hang out with my friends, sleep whenever and however long I want, just pretty much do whatever the hell it is I want to do!

I like that idea!

Dammit! It's been nine hours and I already miss Caitlin.

Why the hell am I still in high school?

Fuck me I complain too much. Fuck this entry has sucked. I hate shitty entries. Fuck I need to stop cussing.

Basic is one of the best movies I have ever seen.


MUSIC: My Own Voice Complaining Like A Small Child