AZ Lost, Dali Was Framed, Caitlin Slept.
2003-03-13 : 10:27 p.m.

Ok, Jason Gardner...What the hell?

The dude was what, 0 for 13 for three's? What the shit is that?

Well let's just hope this doesn't cost AZ the number 1 seed. I mean it shouldn't...Oh dammit all to hell.

Remember this...

Well I finally got it framed. Rather, my father got it framed for me. Much more than what I would have paid for however. Well anyway, it looks awesome, to say the least.

Caitlin is laying on my bed right now. No, she's not naked. Although... She's asleep, fast asleep. I can't stop looking at her either.

She is beyond words sometimes. In a good way, of course. I love her so much. Oh, she just woke up...and there she goes again, off to la-la land. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without her. Most likely I'd be bored off my ass typing in this thing way too much, complaining about how I'm alone and how nobody wants me. I'm so pathetic.

I wonder if she knows she smiles in her sleep? She knows she twitches. And that is a wonderful thing to watch. Hmmm... She also drools. I wonder if she's aware of that as well? Holding Caitlin in my arms as she sleeps is quite possibly my most favorite thing in the world. That's favourite for our Canadian D-land users.

She just left now, about 15 minutes past when she was supposed to. I just wanted to watch her sleep a little more. Her parents came blame me.

So much...

MUSIC: Abandoned Pools - Blood