Spring Break Fever.
2003-03-11 : 2:26 p.m.

Ahhh Spring Break. A time for rest, relaxation, recuperation, and most importantly, no school.

However, (and that's a big however) life has a way of pissing you off. Take right now for example. Sure, I'm on Spring Break, but that means jack crap to my body. Somebody forgot to tell it that I don't enjoy being sick, especially when I am, on Spring Break.

This isn't one of those stuffy nose, I just need some T.L.C. kinds of being sick either. Oh no. This is the kind of sick that is accompanied by uncontrollable fits of shivering requiring you to have at least thrice the normal amount of blankets on you when you sleep. Then you wake up with chapped lips from having to breathe through your mouth the entire night because your nose is backed up with all kinds of nasty mucus. All that accompanied by a headache from the sinus pressure build up, sweat running down your forehead, and an overall weak feeling in your body. Surprisingly enough though, I don't have a fever.

I think I've gone through enough tissues to circle the globe, twice.

Well despite the warnings my body was giving me I did manage to venture out to Broad Ripple last night. What for you ask? Only to see one of the greatest bands ever to grace the Deep Elm label, Brandtson.

It's quite a rare thing to have any good band stop in Indy. Every-fricken-time they go from Cinci. to Chicago or vice-versa.

"Amazing" wouldn't really be the right word to describe them. More like, "Fucking Amazing."

Oh yes, the Endless Embrace gang was all there too. Along with the new and improved Indie style Andrea Oberly. Elitist bastards.

I think I'm going to go blow my nose before my snot ends up on my monitor.

MUSIC: Penfold - Microchip