Tomorrow Comes A New Dawn.
2003-01-05 : 10:05 p.m.

Well let's see...


I saw the love of my life. +1

Got my father to pay for lunch. +1

Got most of my stuff here before the rush. +1

Spent $375.00 on books I don't even want. -1

Got a good parking spot. +1

Came to the realization that, oh yes, school does in fact start tomorrow. -1

Found out he now has a karaoke machine. -1

And I had my last carbonated beverage for the year 2003. Maybe forever. That's about even. However, it wasn't Mt. Dew. -1

Dang, only broke even.

No, wait a second, I found a new word - Xantophobia. +1

So I'm up one. It's a better start than what could have been.

Let's pretend I'm actually a good college student and want to go.

What a pleasant fiction that would be.

Hell. I come at thee with all the strengths of a thousand angels!

Forward into the depths I go!

I'm such an idiot.

MUSIC: Air - Playground Love