Yo Joe!
2002-12-10 : 1:20 a.m.

I am in awe.

G.I. Joe is simply amazing.

No, I'm not talking about Post September 11, bandwagon-patriotism, capitalistic USA! consumerism, brand of G.I. Joe. No sir, I'm talking about the G.I Joe my generation grew up watching. The real G.I. Joe.

What I find most surprising about this Great American Classic is that it's just that, a classic. This is in fact the same G.I. Joe we saw rid the world of the evil COBRA Alliance early in our childhood. This is the same show that produced mass amounts of 3 and 3/4 inch action figures,comic books, and vehicles to accompany it. This is the same show that every kid (well, boy) on the block was all about one day, and then poof! it's gone, only to be replaced by...What the heck was G.I. Joe replaced with?

This is "Old School" G.I. Joe, if you will.

Now it's back. The latest in an assortment of nostalgic series from back in the day. Series like Thundercats, He-Man, and Transformers, which Cartoon Network has so brilliantly risen from the archives. But what's ironic about this current phenomena is that it's not only out to target a new age group, it's back to once again target my generation, albeit 10 years later.

But what's not to like about this show? It's a great representation of the classic "Good vs. Evil" struggle. It instills in our youth, well instilled in (us), a great sense of patriotism for our country. Wait a second...nevermind. It's even politically correct. It has "Lady Joes" if you will, and several ethnically diverse soldiers as well. THEY USE FRICKEN LASERS!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?

Actually, what's cool is the fact that they can take a totally fictional character and create real life/fictional character out of it. Oh yeah, I'm talking about the man, Sgt. Slaughter himself.

It was like a dream. I could wake up early and catch Slaughter kicking some COBRA Army butt with his Laser Bazooka Cannon and then watch him throw a suplex on the Iron Sheik on WWF. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik. Oh c'mon, you see it don't you?

"At Ease Disease!"


So to follow up the story line and bodacious (you'll see get the allusion in the next paragraph) characters, we get an awesome All-American soundtrack to go with it. Yeah 80's Rock. So in conclusion;

I can't wait until they make the entire DVD collection.

Oh yeah, Ninja Turtles. That's what took it's place. In a few years when we see big, green, ooze altered, ninja skilled turtles plastered on t-shirts and back on the television, you owe me 10 bucks.

MUSIC: TV - G.I. Joe Theme