My Schedule.
2002-12-06 : 11:42 a.m.

"Free at last, free at last."

I decided two use that opening quote for two reasons.

First off, Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man. Everytime I hear that speech it almost brings me to tears. Yeah I know, call me a wuss. I've never in my life heard anyone who can emulate that much emotion into speech.

Secondly, next week is Finals Week. That means no classes until I have to take my finals. Therefore you can find me sound asleep till 12 in the afternoon each day.

Sorry to those of you still in High School.

Wait, no. Ha. You're still in High School.


With all this school talk I think I'll take a moment to elaborate on the way my "school," or better yet "higher institution of learning" (yeah f-ing right) works.

Depending on whether or not I decide to go to class, I usually wake up 15 minutes prior to its start time. This gives me ample time to get dressed and walk to my destination with just enough tics of the watch to, once again, partake of my 18 year ritual of early morning urination. No I'm not going to put something else in place of urination. What am I, six?

After I attend my morning classes I come back to my lovely dorm which, regretfully, is also inhabited by my inhospitable roommate. We won't go into that. The point of my return is to take my daily nap. I take naps now because I am constantly being kept up till the wee hours of the morning due to my roomie's unsavory taste in music which he plays at, oh but we wouldn't have it any other way, full volume. Ok, so maybe we will get into it. Just a little.

Then I would have some sort of afternoon class. However, I enjoy my naps and don't see the need. I do however make sure to attend my swim class. Gotta avoid that Freshman 15 you know. But who cares? I'm getting A's in all those classes anyway.

As for my English class...Well, let's just say for our three week research paper I simply printed off a copy of my European History Final from last year and got an A- on it. That, and I haven't gone in about, ummmm, 2 weeks is it?

We'll see what happens next semester with the new schedule. But for now...

I am amazing.

MUSIC:Roomie Tunes: Meredith Brooks - Bitch