Who Do I Know?
2006-01-25 : 2:43 a.m.

My birthday was two days ago. It was, by all accounts what most would agree upon as, a good birthday. There wasn't the same amount of extravagance that had preceded it the year before, but the level of friendship and importance I felt most definitely surpassed the alcohol-induced antics of years past. I'm definitely getting older, and (to be somewhat redundant, yet funny) Lord knows I'm definitely not getting any younger.

Now then, about my big day. Facebook�, as we all know has corrupted what remnants of youth many of us (myself included) still hold on to. Well, it and MySpace�. But MySpace is archaic, and outdated, and just pretty much sucks, so we'll mention it as little as possible. Anyfuckingway, the posts on my wall began at 5:27 p.m. on the 22nd, and ceased at 12:37 a.m. on the 24th. Totaling fifty in all, it was quite honestly the most posts I've ever gotten at any one time. Three people, the cooler kids I guess, chose instead to send me a message through Facebook. Yeah fifty-three...Oh, and add another ten from MySpace. Yeah sixty-three.

Still, there were those without the aforementioned tools at their disposal, so they instead used the beautiful invention that is AIM to send their regards, seventeen in all. But wait, there's more. The special ones, the cool-of-the-cool even went as far as to call me on the phone, and there were a number of you who did this, alas the exact number has escaped me. Yet you know who you are.

The point of all of this is not to rate my friends by their level of effort to wish me a happy birthday, nor is it to quantify the amount of friends I have (or pretend to have). And it is certainly not to call out the individuals who made no effort, not at all. This is simply me, expressing my gratitude to any acquaintance of mine, in any way, shape, or form, that I have ever known. You are all the reason I am who I am.

I love my friends. If you are one of them, I am most honored to have ever met you.

MUSIC: Keane - Bedshaped