Done And, Done.
2003-04-23 : 9:53 p.m.

Well ok, after several adjustments (mispelling of the word observation, leaving out the letter a, a big gap in my links page, and putting in the wrong teaching philosophy) I finally got THIS BITCH done. And when I say bitch, I mean bitch. I don't think I've ever worked harder on something.

And it's not like I procrastinated on it either, no sir. I remember working on it one day for at least six hours.

Anyways, glad that's over.

As far as I can tell, I only have three more regular classes left until finals next week, and I can tell pretty well.

This is absolutely astounding. I am done with school on APRIL 30!!! My last final is in Biology, and it's just like any other test. Then I am gone. Gone for half of spring, summer, and the beginnings of fall.


School has been pretty fair to me. My favorite part would definitely be going to class on my time. That and not having to go to class until 12:30 next semester. Ha!

I've met some cool and decent people too. Not really anyone I would want to room with (that didn't have a roommate already) or anyone I would be heartbroken about not seeing again. Wow, that sounds really harsh. No offense if you're one of those people.

Whatever, five days left.

Congratulations to Dusty Petit for being the 500th person to sign my guestbook. And congratulations to me for having 500 people sign my guestbook and for finally hitting the 5,000 mark on my hit counter (a few days ago, yes I know).

Now, since I've been really really bad at keeping this up, here are some more pictures.


I don't know who's expression is funnier, Caitlin's or the dog's.

Hey Guy.

This is Chuck smiling. And of course Brett, being Brett.

Do I Look Like A Person?

Now a large majority of you may not know who this is. So let me tell you. This is my good friend Cory from Glassmen. Man I wish this guy was marching this summer. Sadly, he can not due to financial trouble. :-(


Well I told her I'd put it up sooner or later. This would be my cousin Marissa looking gorgeous as always. Thanks go out to her roommate Marialine for the pic.

Goodnight kids.

MUSIC: The Reunion Show - New Rock Revolution