2002-10-21 : 11:27 p.m.


I seem to have a protege, here.

Of course, you'll have to disregard the lol, Nelly, and I hate Spanish comments. However the style is much the same.

Kudos to you.

I was looking at how many people in Greenfield have diaries and I was quite surprised to see just how much the number had increased since I checked it last.

Quite outstanding.

"Bionic_Arm: it'd be like setting yourself ablaze and having to hold a conversation all throughout the burning of your own flesh."

"Bionic_Arm: while eating fried chicken with no napkins."

Now what do you want?

Monday and Tuesday, absolutely rediculous.

Why can't I be as brilliant as I want to be?

Ahh, clarity, yes.

That's if...

That's so much easier to say.

Well, life is tricky.

Let's beat it to a pulp.

And let's keep this going; ---->

MUSIC:Incubus - Warning