The End Cometh Soon.
2002-05-08 : 9:17 p.m.

I'm sorry too, I suppose. I just wish I knew what for.

So who's pumped?

Only 3 more weeks. Three more weeks...

And what the heck was that supposed to mean?

You disgust me.

You however...

Yeah well, just keep on being you.

Joe Ramirez, my man, I owe you.

Darn you.

So many more things...

Shoot, I shouldn't have said that.

I still need to do that one.

Glassmen this weekend.

I am the man by the way. 42 Sets of drill all by my lonesome. Boo-yah.

I'm still going to get my butt kicked.

Move in isn't too far away either. That is going to really really suck. Stupid conflicts.

Speaking of stupid conflicts...Way to plan the Drama Awards on the same night as the Band Awards. SOB.

Soon though, soon it will all be over.

And darn you. For everything.