It's Gambit, Not Remy. Idiots.
2002-03-05 : 4:49 p.m.

I was doing some thinking.

When I think, I sometimes think too hard.

You decide...

I would not change anything in my life I have done. I am the sum of my memories. To change one would change who I am. My sense of self is important to me. I do not consciously know who I am. I may be scared to know who I am. Can I know who I am from only my understanding of me?

I bet if I could show you the feelings I hide inside, I bet it might change your mind.

How bad do you want to know?

Too bad you never will.

Check this out...

Oh yes, there's this as well...

Remy LeBeau
Remy LeBeau
What X-Men Character are You?

Look out and lock up your daughters, everyone, we're in the presence of Remy LeBeau. That's right, you're that smooth-talkin' Cajun boy with a flare for making women swoon and a great love for all things shiny and steal-able. Sure, you're forever on the run from your past, but there's no reason why you can't run from it in style, oui?

Oh yeah, I'm Gambit.